All Weather Flexible Income

The All-Weather Flexible Income strategy is a fixed income portfolio that invests in exchange traded funds across all sectors of the bond market, excluding municipal bonds. First, Financial Trust Asset Management’s proprietary VAR (Volatility Adjusted Return) ranking compares each ETF’s volatility adjusted return over four different timeframes. Second, Financial Trust Asset Management’s proprietary Yield Momentum (YM) ranking ranks each ETF by high dividend yield and price momentum. Lastly, we conduct additional analysis using Volume Price Analysis, Elliott Wave Theory, and broad top-down macroeconomic and fundamental analysis. To manage interest rate risk in the strategy, we may adjust the maturity of holdings and/or use leveraged inverse ETFs to tactically adjust the duration of the portfolio. For comparison purposes this strategy is measured against the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index.

Benchmark: Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index

Flexible Income 

The Flexible Income strategy is a short duration fixed income portfolio that invests in exchange traded funds across all sectors of the bond market, excluding municipal bonds. First, Financial Trust Asset Management’s proprietary VAR (Volatility Adjusted Return) ranking compares each ETF’s volatility adjusted return over four different timeframes. Second, Financial Trust Asset Management’s proprietary Yield Momentum (YM) ranking ranks each ETF by high dividend yield and price momentum. Lastly, we conduct additional analysis using Volume Price Analysis, Elliott Wave Theory, and broad top-down macroeconomic and fundamental analysis. To manage interest rate risk in the strategy, we may adjust the maturity of holdings and/or use leveraged inverse ETFs to tactically adjust the duration of the portfolio. For comparison purposes this strategy is measured against the Bloomberg Barclays 1-5Yr Government/Credit Index.

Financial Trust may from time to time modify specific nuances of the strategies. These changes should not affect the overall basic description and goal of the strategy.

Benchmark: Bloomberg Barclays 1-5Yr Government/Credit Index



Asset Class

Global Fixed Income

Investment Objective

Capital preservation and income generation 




Yield, Momentum

Target # of Holdings

~ 5 to 15


*Please see benchmark descriptions

Financial Trust’s Investment Strategies